Advanced Collision Avoidance Workshop

2800 ex. GST

This course is an explanation of all the rules from Rule no 1 – 19 mentioned in the COLREG. The rules may be interpreted by many navigators in their own ways and sometimes misinterpretations of the rules have led to disastrous accidents. Navigators and students will find it enriching to learn and understand the meaning of the rules and their applications. This advanced course has helped hundreds of navigators gain confidence in watch keeping and collision avoidance. When you make a decision based on these rules you should be absolutely certain in your mind that you have interpreted the rules in the correct manner. This course will remove any ambiguity about the various grey areas regarding the collision avoidance regulations. This course is a ‘must do’ for all senior and junior deck officers and cadets


Often termed as the ‘Rule of the Road’, the correct wordings of the regulations are “The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea” (COLREGS)

In this extensive course, you will get to learn the regulations pertaining to collision avoidance in detail. Numerous accidents have happened because of the incorrect interpretations of the regulation. It is imperative for all navigators (of all ranks) and trainers to understand the correct implications of these regulations. That is why each regulation has been minutely explained chapter wise in this course.

Case studies and diagrammatic representations have been used where necessary for clarification and better understanding of the rules.

It is strongly recommended that all seafarers, navigators, trainers and anyone who is engaged in building navigation skills for seafarers, should take this course

This course will benefit students and officers appearing for COC examinations, and seafarers for better understanding of the collision regulations

The correct understanding and application of the collision regulations will generate immense confidence among seafarers and help reduce navigational accidents and incidents at sea

Section I

Chapter 1- Trainer’s Introduction
Chapter 2- History of the Rules
Chapter 3- Layout of the Rules


Rule 1 – Application
Rule 2 – Responsibility
Rule 3 – General Definitions


Rule 4 – Application
Rule 5 – Lookout
Rule 6 – Safe Speed
Rule 7 – Risk of Collision
Rule 8 – Action to Avoid Collision
Rule 9 – Narrow Channels
Rule 10 – Traffic Separation Schemes

Section II – Conduct of Vessels in Sight of one another

Introduction to Section II Part B

Rule 11 – Application
Rule 12 – Sailing Vessels
Rule 13 – Overtaking
Rule 13 – Addendum, Diagrammatic explanation
Rule 14 – Head-On Situation
Rule 15 – Crossing Situation

Chapter – Exercises for Rules 13. 14. 15

Rule 16 – Action by Give-Way vessel
Rule 17 – Action by Stand-On vessel
Rule 18 – Responsibilities between vessels
Chapter A – Explanation of Rule 18
Chapter B – Explanation of para ‘a’,’b’,’c’ of rule 18
Chapter C- Explanation of para ‘d’ of rule 18
Chapter D – Quiz for Rule 18

Section III – Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility

Rule 19 Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility
Chapter A- Introduction of rule 19
Chapter B – Explanation of sec ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ of rule 19
Chapter C – Explanation of sec ’d’ of rule 19
Chapter D – Explanation of sec ‘e’ of rule 19


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